Recently, our 6th Grade students celebrated their "Half-Way to Graduation Day" here at MWS. For the first time in MWS history, the principal was asked to provide the keynote address to students. Here is a copy of that speech to students:
Today we have come to the half-way point of our journey together. Obviously then we are a little sad because, after all, we have all been together for number of years now. We have gotten to know one another very well. We have gotten to know each other's good points and bad. We have learned to live with each other and to have fun together. So it is understandable if we are sad to begin thinking about leaving old ways and old friends.
Yet today is a very exciting day too. It's like the day you stand in an empty room and imagine how it will be if you paint it. Your life is that empty room and you are the individuals that will determine the design for that space. It is up to you what you make of that room.
Some of you will like a clear uncluttered look to your lives. You may, in time, strike off on your own and do just your own thing. Yet more of you will want a more cluttered look and you will be the type of people who will always want to be surrounded by your family and friends. Some of you will be adventurous in what you choose; others will prefer the safe and familiar path.
So even though we are sad, we are also glad. We are glad that you are being given the opportunity to continue your education. We are glad that you will be given the chance to join choirs and football teams, to act on the stage and, of course, to study. I know that on a wet or snowy Monday morning you would much prefer to lie in bed than to go to school, but you need that second-half of your schooling if you are to achieve your dreams.
You see there is just a chance that you might not become a professional basketball player or a pop star, and if not you might need and ordinary boring old job such as being a principal for instance. So, while you prepare to enjoy all the social life Junior High School has to offer, I recommend that you do a balancing act and continue to study as well.
Now though all you can think of is that you are half-way to graduating and let me say that you are graduating in style. We are very proud of you, just as your parents and family members are proud of you. You will be missed here at Marion W. Savage Elementary. You have brought to us your individual talents and skills and hopefully we have managed to help you develop them. When we look at your photographs on the wall and in yearbooks we will think of you and the happy times we had together.
Today we are wishing you well in your future. We are hoping that you will enjoy your new schools and that you will continue to be a credit to this school and to us. More importantly we want you to be a credit to yourselves and your families. We are sure you will be because you are, every single one of you, special in some way.
So face the future knowing that you are special and that you have something wonderful to bring to the world. Grasp every opportunity you get and make the most of it. Don't be afraid of new ideas, but keep those old-fashioned standards of behavior and high expectations in mind. Whatever style or design you choose for that room of yours decorate it thoroughly and well.
Above all, don't forget to come back and visit us. You'll be warmly welcomed because, after all, you will always be one of our own.
In closing, I would like to say thank you and share my appreciation to all the families for supporting your student’s education and our school. It is through your hard work, dedication and sacrifices that make your students successful. 6th graders, I challenge you to continue to work hard and to be the best you can be in the second-half of your journey. All of us here at MW Savage wish you the best. Congratulations!