In briefing those attending our most recent Parent-Teacher Organization meeting a few weeks ago, it was brought to my attention that the success of students on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments last spring was not know. As a result, I felt it pertinent to share that with you - especially since the PTO members/attendees were excited to hear the results.
(1) MWS 3rd - 6th Graders Tops in the District
The students at Marion W. Savage Elementary were tops in ISD #191 for the 2007-2008 school year on average in both reading and mathematics. A true accomplishment!
(2) MWS Makes Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP)
Contrary to results in the 2006-2007 school year, all cells within Marion W. Savage Elementary School achieved enough growth to make AYP for the 2007-2008 school year. MWS is one of seven elementary schools in ISD #191 to make AYP.
The success of the students at Marion W. Savage Elementary School on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments is an accomplishment worth noting and celebrating. This would not have been possible without the unconditional support of families and the unwavering resolve of the staff at MWS. Let's hope that this success will not only continue, but be enhanced by our efforts in the 2008-2009 school year.
This is a blog on life at MWS Elementary School including the day to day happenings, special events and other notes of interest. Marion W. Savage is an Elementary School for kindergarten through sixth graders located in Savage, Minnesota. The blog is updated by the school principal, Jeremy M. Willey.
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Monday, September 29, 2008
Friday, September 19, 2008
Addressing Change
At this point in the year I felt as though it would be appropriate for me to address concerns that have been expressed by MWS families to date. While few in number, some common concerns regarding changes at MWS during the 2008-2009 school year did present themselves. I would encourage you to browse the information below and contact me if you have any questions.
(1) 5th Grade Camp-Out
In the past, each 5th grade group would participate in an overnight camping trip in the Carver Park Reserve in the fall of the school year. While this important tradition is an excellent avenue to explore outdoor education, concerns began to arise last spring regarding the safety of students, liability issues, and the "fit" of such an experience into the existing 5th grade science curriculum. As a result, the 5th grade teachers and Mr. Cin met late last spring to determine whether or not is was appropriate to continue with this tradition. A consensus was reached, and it was determined that this experience would no longer continue at MWS.
Contrary to conversation in the community, I was not involved in this decision - it was inherited when I arrived at MWS. Having met with the 5th grade team prior to the start of school this year regarding this issue, it was requested that I uphold this decision. While I realize current 5th grade students may have been looking forward to this opportunity, I am confident that the we will discover a way in which we can replace this experience with another academically focused outdoor education experience.
(2) Class Placements
At Marion W. Savage Elementary, past practice has been for teams of teachers to get together with administration to collaboratively place students into classes for the upcoming school year. In doing so, teachers who have spent an entire school year working with your student(s) strive to place students into teachers' classrooms where they feel your student(s) will be the most successful. This is a lengthy process, and a great deal of care and consideration for each individual student is taken.
Changing placements prior to the start of the school year and as the school year begins is not common in elementary schools throughout the area. Typically only in extreme situations is a change of placement made by a building principal. I share in this philosophy, and I ask you to trust that the staff members at MWS are only looking out for your student's best interests.
(3) Student Conduct
Unfortunately, students are involved in situations were inappropriate decisions are made. When circumstances such these arise, disciplinary situations will result with administration at MWS. I take disruptions to the MWS learning community very seriously as they are counterproductive to student learning as well as student safety. In the event that a serious situation does arise, please be assured that you will be contacted either by myself or the classroom teacher so that you remain informed. The partnership between home and school is incredibly important in a learning community, and in the words of a fantastic first grade teacher at MWS, "I won't believe everything your child tells me about home, if you promise not to believe everything your child tells you about school." Communication is incredibly important. Please contact the classroom teacher or myself directly if you have a concern regarding student conduct.
Feel free to respond to any of the aforementioned topics by adding a post to this blog. Otherwise, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone.
(1) 5th Grade Camp-Out
In the past, each 5th grade group would participate in an overnight camping trip in the Carver Park Reserve in the fall of the school year. While this important tradition is an excellent avenue to explore outdoor education, concerns began to arise last spring regarding the safety of students, liability issues, and the "fit" of such an experience into the existing 5th grade science curriculum. As a result, the 5th grade teachers and Mr. Cin met late last spring to determine whether or not is was appropriate to continue with this tradition. A consensus was reached, and it was determined that this experience would no longer continue at MWS.
Contrary to conversation in the community, I was not involved in this decision - it was inherited when I arrived at MWS. Having met with the 5th grade team prior to the start of school this year regarding this issue, it was requested that I uphold this decision. While I realize current 5th grade students may have been looking forward to this opportunity, I am confident that the we will discover a way in which we can replace this experience with another academically focused outdoor education experience.
(2) Class Placements
At Marion W. Savage Elementary, past practice has been for teams of teachers to get together with administration to collaboratively place students into classes for the upcoming school year. In doing so, teachers who have spent an entire school year working with your student(s) strive to place students into teachers' classrooms where they feel your student(s) will be the most successful. This is a lengthy process, and a great deal of care and consideration for each individual student is taken.
Changing placements prior to the start of the school year and as the school year begins is not common in elementary schools throughout the area. Typically only in extreme situations is a change of placement made by a building principal. I share in this philosophy, and I ask you to trust that the staff members at MWS are only looking out for your student's best interests.
(3) Student Conduct
Unfortunately, students are involved in situations were inappropriate decisions are made. When circumstances such these arise, disciplinary situations will result with administration at MWS. I take disruptions to the MWS learning community very seriously as they are counterproductive to student learning as well as student safety. In the event that a serious situation does arise, please be assured that you will be contacted either by myself or the classroom teacher so that you remain informed. The partnership between home and school is incredibly important in a learning community, and in the words of a fantastic first grade teacher at MWS, "I won't believe everything your child tells me about home, if you promise not to believe everything your child tells you about school." Communication is incredibly important. Please contact the classroom teacher or myself directly if you have a concern regarding student conduct.
Feel free to respond to any of the aforementioned topics by adding a post to this blog. Otherwise, if you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact me via email or phone.
Sunday, September 7, 2008
First Week Success!

As the first week of school has officially drawn to close, I am elated to report a wonderful week with students and staff. Students appeared to be excited about new adventures with a new teacher in a new grade level meeting new friends!
Venturing into our second week of school, I wanted to share a few brief reminders with you as we begin to iron out any remaining glitches:
(1) If you are dropping your student(s) off for school, please cross at one of our two crosswalks with patrols. It is unsafe for your family to cross the middle of the bussing lane and between busses. If you see anyone else engaging in this practice, please remind them to stay safe around the bussing area.
(2) If your student is planning to eat breakfast, instruct him/her to go right to the lunchroom in the morning, not to his/her classroom. We are trying to provide a breakfast program for students that is as efficient as possible.
(3) Please complete the "+ 2 Challenge" and register to volunteer at MWS with our Volunteer Coordinator. You can do so online or in paper form, whichever is more convenient for you. Last year MWS had nearly 10,000 volunteer hours, twice as many as any other elementary school in ISD 191. Let's keep this trend alive!
(4) Our PTO Fundraiser begins this Tuesday afternoon (9/9). The PTO is working with Innisbrook, so ask your student to show you any information he/she receives on Tuesday. Be sure to stock up on your gift wrap for the holiday season!
(5) Please take time each day to ask your student about school, read with him/her, and assist him/her with any homework assignments. The success of all MWS students dependes on a healthy partnership between home and school.
Thank you to all families who attended our three Parent Nights last week. We appreciate your support, and so do your students! We have the remaining four Parent Nights scheduled this Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Please be sure to mark your calendars!
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