As the first week of school has officially drawn to close, I am elated to report a wonderful week with students and staff. Students appeared to be excited about new adventures with a new teacher in a new grade level meeting new friends!
Venturing into our second week of school, I wanted to share a few brief reminders with you as we begin to iron out any remaining glitches:
(1) If you are dropping your student(s) off for school, please cross at one of our two crosswalks with patrols. It is unsafe for your family to cross the middle of the bussing lane and between busses. If you see anyone else engaging in this practice, please remind them to stay safe around the bussing area.
(2) If your student is planning to eat breakfast, instruct him/her to go right to the lunchroom in the morning, not to his/her classroom. We are trying to provide a breakfast program for students that is as efficient as possible.
(3) Please complete the "+ 2 Challenge" and register to volunteer at MWS with our Volunteer Coordinator. You can do so online or in paper form, whichever is more convenient for you. Last year MWS had nearly 10,000 volunteer hours, twice as many as any other elementary school in ISD 191. Let's keep this trend alive!
(4) Our PTO Fundraiser begins this Tuesday afternoon (9/9). The PTO is working with Innisbrook, so ask your student to show you any information he/she receives on Tuesday. Be sure to stock up on your gift wrap for the holiday season!
(5) Please take time each day to ask your student about school, read with him/her, and assist him/her with any homework assignments. The success of all MWS students dependes on a healthy partnership between home and school.
Thank you to all families who attended our three Parent Nights last week. We appreciate your support, and so do your students! We have the remaining four Parent Nights scheduled this Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday. Please be sure to mark your calendars!
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