What was this experience like for students?
Students completed the assessments in the Computer Lab on two separate days, one day for reading and one day for mathematics. Students were scheduled by class for an hour long time slot to complete each assessment. Additional support beyond the classroom teacher was accessible to support students in the completion of this process. Once finished, students were permitted to quietly read a book. The Computer Lab was closed during testing, so students were given an opportunity to complete the assessment in an optimal environment.
What information will teachers learn from this new assessment tool?
The immediacy and accessibility of the student data that accompanies this assessment is truly extensive and amazing. Students are given a RIT score (Rausch Unit Score) that identifies their individualized level of performance in both subject areas. This information is correlated to the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments and can be used as a tool to identify individual growth targets for students for the close of the school year. All 2nd through 6th grade classroom teachers have received professional development training from the NWEA on how to interpret this information and use it to drive instructional practice.
How will this information about my student be shared with me?
Families will be presented with information about your student's performance at Fall Conferences. Much of the information we will gain from this assessment will not be available until after the testing window closes, which is October 15th. Unfortunately conferences will be completed by that time. The report you will be given will enable you to view your student's current level of performance in reading and mathematics and compare these levels to that of nationally derived norms of students at that grade level. As students are potentially reassessed in both January and April, you will be able to montior their performance over time within the school year.
If you are interested in obtaining additional information about this assessment, I would encourage you to visit www.nwea.org. This site provides valuable information that is accessible by all.
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