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Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The End of Summer Is Near!

Leave it to your principal to remind you that your precious few days of fun in the sun, uninterrupted family time, and vacations to exotic locations will soon come to an end as the start of the 2009-2010 school year is right around the corner. In an effort to continue to keep you as updated as possible, please check out the list of updates below:

(1) Construction Complete!
As of early this week all construction to the playground and parking lot areas has completed. These newly paved areas were recently re-painted, teather and basketball hoops were put back into place, and the playground received a new load of fresh wood chips. Please make a point to check out this area when you come to our Back to School Open House on September 3rd!

(2) MWS Makes AYP!
As perhaps you've discovered MWS was not one of the schools listed in the newspaper for not making AYP on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments in the 2008-2009 school year. This is actually something to celebrate. Truthfully, I would much rather see the media publish a list of those schools who did make AYP and celebrate their accomplishments, rather than focusing on those who did not. Credit for this accomplishment goes to the students, teachers, and parents for working together! Congrats MWS!

(3) MWS Loses Title I Services
Due to a reduction in federal and state funding as well as an increase in the district average of students who qualify for free/reduced lunch services, MWS will join Gideon Pond, Rahn, and Harriet Bishop as one of four schools in ISD 191 that will not have Title I services for students in the 2009-2010 school year. It is my hope that we will work together as a learning community to discover solutions that may exist to alleviate this loss.

(4) MWS Goes Completely Online!
Well, not completely, but the September 2009 newsletter will be the final newsletter printed for all families and distributed from the school directly. From October on all newsletters will be located on our school's website for you to view and download at home or work. Printed copies will still be available for families without access to the Internet, but we are looking to reduce our printing costs and save money in the immediate future.

(5) Letters to Families
In the upcoming days you can expect to receive a letter complete with information regarding your student's class placement and many other items. I would like to take this opportunity to remind you that all placements are final, and changes will not be made in student placements. Enclosed you will also find your Fall Picture information from Lifetouch so that your family is prepared for picutres on the first day of school.

I wish you an enjoyable last few days of summer, and I look forward to reconnecting with you all on September 3rd!

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