This year has brought many exciting developments to the Willey family, the largest perhaps being the explosion of language that has erupted from our 2-year old son, Emmett. We are continually amazed on a daily basis as to the things that pour out of his mouth, all appropriate of course! As you all consistently remind me on a frequent basis, this time is precious, and my wife Kristi and I have been amazed at how quickly this time flies.
A quick, yet humorous story to share with you that truly encapsulates what we are dealing with at home with our son. I had picked up Emmett from daycare on a recent winter evening and it was dark and beginning to snow. On the way home I decided to stop and get gas as my father constantly (and still does to this day) reminded me to never have less than a 1/4 tank when it gets cold. In an attempt to keep Emmett entertained for a mere 3 minutes while I tried to accomplish this task, I gave him my cell phone, which I do from time to time for him to play with. I then proceeded to tell him that we were almost home and that mommy was waiting for us. As I re-entered the car, Emmett handed me my phone and repeatedly commented that "Mommy's not home." Having been a long day, I, as many parents do from time to time, engaged in an argument with my 2-year old son that in fact his mother was home and we would see her shortly. Eventually, he repeated the phrase enough times that I conceded and sat silently as we drove the remaining 1/2 mile to our home.
As we pulled into the garage Emmett exclaimed, "Mommy is home!" as I rolled my eyes in the front seat. When we walked inside, my wife asked me if I let Emmett call her on my phone on our way home. I, of course, said no, but acknowledged that I let him play with it while we were getting gas on our way home. "Listen to this," she said, and she proceeded to play a 1-minute phone message that my son had left for my wife on her cell phone without my knowledge while I was pumping gas!
No wonder he kept saying, "Mommy's not home!" in the car. How could she be if she was not answering her phone and he had to leave a voicemail message for her? Please note: Emmett had to first, unlock my phone; second, figure out how to dial the right number; third, know when he could leave a message and then do it; and finally, when to hang up the phone.
Why do I share this story with you? As the holidays approach, all too often my wife and I are guilty of focusing on what we may be receiving or what is causing us stress and discomfort in our lives. Instead, moments such as this and the numerous other moments you experience each day with your children as they continue to amaze us - that is what we need to be spending our time appreciating. Our children are our gifts, perhaps the best we can ever receive.
On behalf of Emmett, Kristi, and myself, I wish you the happiest of holiday seasons, and I truly hope that the new year finds you healthy, happy, and well.
Jeremy - you'll have to mark this day down in his baby book with 'the day he sent his first voicemail' Have a wonderful holiday season! Elsie Jorgensen (aka: Bryce Jorgensen's mom)